

Across the street from Cafe Hernan, Puerto Ayora

Yesterday, in the morning we hiked a few kilometers out of town to a lava tunnel. The hike itself was not anything spectacular, as it went along the main road with quite busy traffic. Nevertheless it was quite surprising to see giant tortoises foraging right next to the road. Welcome to Galapagos!! :o) After a short photo break we continued and a few hundred meters further found the tunnel. Such tunnels form when the outside part of the lava flow solidifies fast and the inner part simply flows on, leaving a tunnel behind. Unfortunately the ceiling of the tunnel we visited was collapsing, so we did not go inside. The part that one could see was also quite short (there are much longer ones around Bellavista, stretching even 1 km long), but still it looked quite cool, as I have never seen anything like that before.

In the afternoon we took a water-taxi to Punta Estrada Beach and walked to an other volcanic formation, called Las Grietas, which is basically a gorge . The interesting thing about it is that it is filled with water coming from two different sources. One is the freshwater and the other is sea water, both filtered through the rocks. The water was very clear and many people were snorkeling, although as the water is filtered through the rocks and is mixed brackwater, I doubt that one can see any animals there. For most of the people the main thing there is cliff diving, as the water is quite deep at certain part.

Today will go on a 4-day trip around the Santiago Island. For the boat and the detailed itinerary see
The boat will cruise around the island Santiago. We expect to see a lot of birds (most interestingly the magnificent frigate bird which has a big inflatable throat poach, flamingos, Galapagos penguins which are the northernmost living penguins and some more booby species) and lots of marine life during the ample snorkeling opportunities this trip offers.
(This post was originally written on the roof of Hotel Lirio del Mar, but there the wireless didn't support posting into for some reason.)

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